The pandemic-era JobKeeper program was effective and stabilised the Australian economy in a extraordinary crisis, an official review has found.
Adrian Lowe
Former federal treasurer Josh Frydenberg has ended speculation about his political future.
Dan Jervis-Bardy and Danielle Le Messurier
Outgoing Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has not ruled out a return to politics in the future as he looks set to lose his seat of Kooyong to a teal independent.
Kimberley Caines
Mr Frydenberg is trying to stave off Climate 200 funded independent candidate Monique Ryan in the blue-ribbon Melbourne seat of Kooyong.
Former Liberal prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has denied encouraging Australians to back independent candidates, after playing up their role in the upcoming Federal election.
Maeve Bannister
Tens of thousands of West Australian dole recipients, disability support pensioners and age pensioners will bank up to $1300 a year as a result of the commitment to keep deeming rates where they currently are.
Lanai Scarr
Climate science is complex, but what voters need to know about the major parties’ policies on the issue is quite straightforward.
John Flint
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has placed national security at the centre of his pitch to WA voters during his one-day trip to the State, declaring there is a ‘brewing battle between autocracies and democracies’.
Josh Zimmerman
The pre-election Budget, with all the crowd-pleasing sweeteners that implies, had the hallmarks of a love letter from a dumped paramour pleading to be taken back.
Kate Emery
In what is a testament to Frydenberg’s deft handling of his portfolio, the Budget he handed down on Tuesday is still able to paint a picture of resilience, recovery and rebound.
In tonight’s show, Harvey reveals what Treasurer Josh Frydenberg really meant when he delivered his Budget speech.
Up Late | Tue, March 29
Older Australians struggling to stretch their household budgets further will be among the main beneficiaries of a one-off $250 payment.
Bethany Hiatt
The Treasurer is a man with a plan and Josh Frydenberg’s plan was to show the Australian public on Tuesday night he is a safe pair of hands on the country’s till.
Sarah-Jane Tasker
The State Government was a big winner from the Coalition’s make or break pre-election Budget, which confirmed WA would be at the centre of the campaigns for both parties.
Peter Law
A more virulent strain of COVID emerging during the flu season could sink billions of dollars worth of economic activity and send Australia’s buoyant employment trend backwards, one possible scenario suggests.
Rebecca Le May
Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said A LOT of things when handing down today’s Budget — but here’s what he actually meant.
Ben Harvey
Australia’s strong economic momentum still has the potential to be derailed by a number of threats including new and more deadly strains of COVID-19. Business leaders also have their own concerns.
Danielle Le Messurier & Stuart McKinnon
Whether the vast mass of Middle Australian electors are listening and embrace Frydenberg’s political message is central - or will they gamble on Anthony Albanese making them better off in these dangerous times?
Paul Murray
Single working parents will soon be able to access an extra two weeks of paid parental leave as the Federal Government invests an additional $346.1 million to support families at work.
South West residents will benefit from reduced petrol costs, regional road upgrades, one-off payments and tax offsets through the Federal Government’s 202/23 budget, handed down by Treasurer Josh Frydenberg.
Jacinta Cantatore
Millions of Australians will get more money in their pockets through $8.6b in cost of living relief - including cheaper petrol prices and cash handouts - as a result of Josh Frydenberg’s fourth Budget.
If anything spoke to the fact the 2022-23 Budget was a direct pre-election spendathon pitch to keep the Coalition in power, it was Josh Frydenberg’s call that it was “not a time to change course”.
WA’s booming resources sector has once again emerged as a star performer for the Australian Government, with iron ore the undisputed jewel in the crown.
The Pilbara will be recast as a titan of both mining and ‘low emissions’ manufacturing through a $1.5 billion funding injection set to pave the way for a new chapter for the engine room of the Aussie economy.
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