For Known Associates Australia, a new Perth-based events company helmed by former Docker Troy Cook and wife Tamara, recent global events will play a significant role in shaping its destiny.
Ben O'Shea
The Federal Government has awarded WA’s Agriculture Authority a tender worth nearly $40,000 — to photograph ants. Turns out, it’s legitimate.
Perth small business owner Justin Poor says he’s lost at least $400,000 in turnover since the start of COVID-19. He’ll speak with The West Live’s Jenna Clarke about how the sector needs more support.
Caitlyn Rintoul
West Aussies coughed up $26,000 last month after being fooled by dodgy advertisements, spending anywhere from $150 to an eye-watering $5000 for a dog that never has its day.
It’s a sad day when we can find $1.5 million for a rectangular party barge and no more than $10,000 to keep a treasured piece of living history in WA waters.
It would seem his fortunes have aligned with those of the WA teams on Queensland’s footy fields.
Syan Dougherty
What could be one of the great tourism experiences of Broome has been off-limits to everyone except in-house guests since the resort reopened this week after its COVID-19 closure.
We’ve always thought there’s something not quite right about people who make pre-dawn visits to public pools to swim laps in winter.
the Town of Cottesloe has cited “aesthetics” as its excuse for being one of only two coastal councils in WA not to sign up to potentially lifesaving beach-signs, and instead proposed its own version.
The Town of Cottesloe has bizarrely cited ‘aesthetics’ as its excuse for being one of only two coastal councils in WA not to sign up to a potentially life-saving shark attack program.
A sauce close to the chef says she was working from home when she began heating oil in the pot, resulting in something described as ‘divine’.
Joey Catanzaro
The first when it comes to throwing stones is to take a moment to check your surroundings — if you happen to be standing in a brittle glass house, you should slip the stone back in your pocket.
One can’t help but think the Government has underestimated how many West Aussies engage in this practice.
A new road sign installed on the recently upgraded section of Indian Ocean Drive, about one click south of the Lancelin turn-off, is dangerously wrong.
The West Coast Eagles’ premiership bid may have gotten off to a slow start, but there is proof at least two team members are capable of scoring this year.
WA artist Ben Juniper has a $10 million idea for Perth’s “big thing” to attract tourists to our State’s capital - a 91m-tall steel and copper dinosaur sculpture at Elizabeth Quay.
A Perth woman has vowed to guilt-trip the gym user she believes stole her sports bra, in a situation so awkward it could have been lifted from a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode.
The future of an endangered native rodent is a little brighter thanks to a team of scientists from the University of WA.
One of our eagle-eyed journos snapped an unusual sight last week - bankers at the Westpac branch in St Georges Terrace boot scooting before opening.
Patients at Hollywood Hospital can now order lunch or dinner from a gourmet menu, and receive a custom-made meal when they crave it - some can can even wash it down with a glass of wine.
The universe is holding on to its secrets a little tighter after the passing of Curtin University astrophysicist Jean-Pierre Macquart, who devoted his life to unravelling its greatest mysteries.
Considered Australia’s most elusive bird the night parrot has been spotted in remote areas of WA, Queensland and South Australia.
Expat John Skelton has been surprised by his brother Stephen who lives in the UK - in a big way. Stephen had sent John and his family a message of love via a huge billboard as part of a UK campaign.
To mark World Oceans Day yesterday, 90-year-old WA Museum scientist and emeritus curator Loisette Marsh launched her Field Guide to the Seastars of Australia. It is the first of its kind in Australia.
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