Two men wanted over sex attack

Gareth ThomasAlbany Advertiser
Camera IconDetective-Sergeant Vaughan Mackay. Credit: Gareth Thomas

Police are hunting for two men who sexually assaulted a woman outside her Manypeaks home on Sunday morning.

Albany police Detective-Sergeant Vaughn Mackay said the woman was approached by the pair, and after a brief conversation, was sexually assaulted.

The men then fled the scene on foot.

The first man was described as dark-skinned with shoulder-length dark hair and wearing jeans and a T-shirt.

The second man was described as fair-skinned with shoulder-length brown hair and wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans and sandals.

Camera IconAlbany police Detective Sergeant Vaughn Mackay. Credit: Gareth Thomas

Both men are about 20 years old.

Det-Sgt Mackay said there was nothing specific to suggest other women in the area were at risk.

“At this stage it appears to be a random event and until we can identify those involved it is difficult to say whether it was an opportunistic or targeted offence,” he said.

Det-Sgt Mackay said police would like to speak with anyone who saw two men matching the description at the weekend or have any information that could assist their investigation.

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