Sharing the joy of yoga

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A Denmark grandfather whose love affair with yoga derails stereotypes of age and has set him on a new path of daily fulfilment is now sharing his experiences in the form of a new e-book.

Picture by Laurie Benson: Michael Clarke

Born in Tambellup and spending his early childhood in Mt Barker, Dr Michael Clarke unravels a fascinating personal story of life through city-bound professionalism into rural retirement.

Dr Clarke worked as a consultant psychiatrist for 25 years, during which time his increasing interest in the field of sexual problems saw him emerge as a pioneer of sexual therapy in WA.

In 1979 Dr Clarke and his wife Dorothy co-authored Sexual Joy, a book that went on to be published in five languages and sold more than 250,000 copies worldwide.


Sixteen years later the Clarkes moved to Denmark, chasing a utopian-style retirement and at the turn of the millennium, aged 72, Dr Clarke stumbled across a revolutionary chapter in his life — yoga.

“That came as a pure chance occurrence,” he said. “I was sleeping badly because I was suffering from restless legs.

“I’d tried all sorts of things, consulting my medical colleagues and trying various things but nothing seemed to work.”

At the suggestion of a friend Dr Clarke sought remedy in massage and suddenly found himself directed to local masseuse Lyndal Gallaway.

“It was only then that I discovered she was also a yoga teacher and she taught me a few yoga positions to keep the legs stretched and the joints and ligaments as flexible as possible to prevent the recurrence of restless legs,” he said.

This ignited a passion for yoga and Dr Clarke built up such a repertoire of positions, or asanas as they are known, that after six months his daily routine consumed an hour every morning.

“I just loved every moment of that and it went on for the next 10 years — jumping out of bed at 6 o’clock every morning and going out on the front veranda and doing my yoga,” he said.

“It’s just absolutely wonderful how that harmony of body and mind gives one that feeling of total pleasure and control over the body.”

Now 82, Dr Clarke feels he’s benefited so much from yoga that he wants others to share the same enjoyment.

Several months ago he again delved into the literary world, this time publishing an e-book recording his decade-long yoga experience.

“I feel there is an enormous amount of people out there who could enjoy the same thing if only someone told them it was there and how to go about it,” he said.

“That’s why I’ve written this book.”

It’s a sentiment shared by his yoga teacher Lyndal Gallaway, who said Dr Clarke’s strength of perseverance stood out from her 90-odd students.

“He had that inspiration from continually having lessons,” she said.

“I must say there aren’t a lot among my students - and there are a lot who are younger than Michael - who can do what he can.

“He has enormously strong will and it was will that got him there.

“I think yoga is a wonderful inspiring thing for people to realise they can improve their general health and well-being.”

The user-friendly e-book, published three weeks ago, was compiled online by Dr Clarke’s good friend Bert Bolle.

Photographs of Dr Clarke’s entire repertoire were taken by his wife and feature a series of asanas from start to finish.

As well as pictorially depicting more than 100 asanas from his routine, the online book also contains valuable information on the benefits of yoga to sufferers of osteoporosis, as well as to golfers.

“It’s been a very fortunate combination yoga and golf, because the rigorous demands of daily yoga are rewarded enormously by the satisfaction of playing better golf than I ever have before,” Dr Clarke said.

“The yoga discipline that you gain allows you to look at your swing and work out why you did a bad shot and make sure you take steps to correct it.

“I no longer have to endure those dreadful shots that spoilt an otherwise beaut game.”

In fact, Dr Clarke’s handicap had drifted out to 28 when he was 72, but with the benefit of yoga he has managed to peg that back to 26 at the age of 82.

The book has already been circulated among Dr Clarke’s friends, with positive feedback, and he holds high hopes it can capture attention and offer people, especially those in the older age group, a vehicle to better living.

Dr Clarke’s e-book Yoga is For All Ages can be accessed by visiting index.htm.

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