Miner in bid to clear land

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Grange Resources plans to clear almost 300ha of native vegetation as part of its Southdown magnetite project.

The iron ore miner has proposed to clear an area 90km away, which includes potential Carnaby’s black cockatoo habitat.

As part of the statutory process, Grange Resources has conducted an environmental assessment and invites the public to access the report and submit notes before November 30. The report states no existing impact on land use as a breeding ground for the endangered Carnaby’s black cockatoo but some native vegetation used as the birds’ foraging habitat would be cleared.

The report also found the rare carnivorous marsupial, the chuditch, as well as the critically endangered western ringtail possum living around the mine site.

But it found no existing impacts on the chuditch and the possum that could lead from Grange’s proposed development. At its peak, the Southdown Project construction will employ almost 2000 people.

The project environmental report are available for public view at Albany Public Library, J.S Battye State Library, Wellstead Community Resource Centre and at Grange Website.

The public is welcome to send notes and comments to Grange Resources via mail or to sdnapprovals@grangeresources.com.au.

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