Lady skippers Karen Timmins and Aileen Lucas record the coveted first and fastest in their respective fleets

Des BeeckAlbany Advertiser
Camera IconFlying Fifteen skipper Aileen Lucas has Crazy just ahead of Simon Lucas in FForever Young. Credit: Des Beeck

Division three skipper of Grey Moose, Karen Timmins, and Aileen Lucas aboard her Flying Fifteen, Crazy, gave great displays in fairly strong winds around harbour courses to record the coveted first and fastest in their respective fleets last Saturday.

It’s quite an achievement in a sport mainly dominated by male sailors.

Division three had a fleet of four yachts, and Saxon skipper Clive Walker was keen for a quick start and found himself a minute ahead of the fleet and was consequently disqualified.

Timmins won the start and bolted away to a handy lead that she didn’t surrender.

Lloyd Pascoe in Arkessa following his win last weekend was also keen to do well but began the race with two reefs in his main which probably slowed him down a little as he had a close encounter with Rob Gridge in Noel Robbins.


Pascoe shook out one reef and had better speed as he gave chase to Grey Moose and was closing the gap in the last two legs.

Grey Moose went on to an easy win with Arkessa taking second and Noel Robbins not far behind to take third.

Saxon did sail well and probably sailed her quickest time so far this season but all to no avail.

Camera IconWinning skipper Karen Timmins with her all-female crew on Grey Moose. Credit: Des Beeck

Three Flying Fifteens competed in their harbour course and in the 16 knot steady easterly Aileen Lucas had Crazy in the lead after the first leg.

Simon Lucas in FForever Young was always close at hand and Wayne North in Frequent Flyer wasn’t far off the pace.

The two leaders were able to get away from North who had spinnaker problems on several occasions and lost valuable time recovering.

Crazy was seconds ahead of FForever Young as they approached club stake and the last leg to the finish line.

It was brilliant sailing by Aileen Lucas to hold off her rival and husband to snatch the race and to record fastest time.

FForever Young had to be content with second place and Frequent Flyer finished third.

Division 2 sailed a King George Sound event and a fleet of three competed and unfortunately Bob Giles in Footloose made a navigational error and sailed an incorrect course that put them well out of contention but they sailed on anywat.

Zuri, skippered Neil Worrell opted to go JAM and was doing well against Stephen Brown in Mary Maitland who used his spinnaker to great effect but fell just a minute short of Zuri which had a handsome handicap and Worrell took the win in a good effort going JAM.

Brown put in a fine display and was second and recorded fastest time.

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