IN PICTURES: Day on the links the perfect social tonic for Master Builders Association Great Southern members

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Camera IconWinners Colab Construction, Jason Bell, Jonothan Yzerman, Michael Triplett, Ben Obiter and Justin Cuthbert. Credit: Master Builders Association Grea

The Master Builders Association’s Great Southern branch hosted its annual golf day at the Grove Park Golf Links last week.

Thirteen teams competed for top honours in a friendly atmosphere played across nine holes of Ambrose golf.

Before participants took to the fairways, and occasionally the rough, they gathered for a barbecue lunch at the clubhouse.

The team of Jason Bell, Jonothan Yzerman, Michael Triplett and Ben Obiter from Colab Construction claimed bragging rights at the end of the day. The social nature of the day continued well after the last golfers finished their rounds with platters of food and drinks shared among participants during presentations.

The annual golf day provides an opportunity for MBA’s members to come together in socially.

Camera IconJustin Cuthbert and Wayne Turner. Credit: Master Builders Association Grea
Camera IconAndre Sutherland and Justin Cuthbert. Credit: Master Builders Association Grea
Camera IconWes T’Hart and Justine Cuthbert. Credit: Master Builders Association Grea
Camera IconRoslyn Holmes and Justin Cuthbert. Credit: Master Builders Association Grea
Camera IconWinners Colab Construction Jason Bell, Jonothan Yzerman, Michael Triplett, Ben Obiter and Justin Cuthbert. Credit: Master Builders Association Grea
Camera Icon13 teams registered to play at Grove Park Golf Links Credit: Master Builders Association Grea
Camera IconGus Brampton, Wes Henderson, Steve Madaffari and Martin Sneedwjagt Credit: Master Builders Association Grea
Camera IconMalachy McGregor, Connor O’Keefe, Piercen Cottrill, Ruebin Backshell, Credit: Master Builders Association Grea

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