Helping hand for teen girls

Jessica CuthbertAlbany Advertiser
Camera IconDeralene Rudolewicz will be hosting teen workshops covering a range of topics. Credit: Albany Advertiser, Laurie Benson

Albany woman Deralene Rudolewicz will be addressing tough topics and life skills in workshops designed for teenage girls.

This month she will run teen workshops for girls aged 13 to 15, covering a range of topics including self-confidence, self-worth, beauty, drugs, job interviews and social media.

The workshops will involve small groups of 10 to 12 to create a comfortable and intimate environment, Mrs Rudolewicz said.

“After a year’s break, I’m back and starting with just one workshop on July 20 but I’m already setting dates in my diary for future workshops,” she said.

“I believe these topics are relevant to our teens as they navigate their way through sometimes very turbulent years.”


After successful similar workshops in the past, she said she wanted to empower young adults and address difficult topics in a safe environment.

“It is amazing to see and hear these teens open up about such important topics, knowing they are in a safe and confidential environment,” she said.

“I see the self-growth and confidence in them and have always had nothing but positive feedback from their parents.”

Mrs Rudolewicz said she believed there was a need for the workshops in Albany.

“Parenting is difficult enough with the pressures of life and hectic schedules demanding our time, and some parents find it difficult to raise these topics or to have open discussions about them at home,” she said.

“My experience comes from working with teens over many years. I have studied counselling to work with youth and also have a background in skincare and make-up as a trained cosmetician and skincare adviser.

“This is something I am passionate about and absolutely love doing”

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