Busy teen eyes first grade return form

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Teenage quick Jordan Clark has set his sights on a big season in the WACA Premier Cricket competition after returning from representing WA at the under-17s national championships.

After playing last season for the Cricket Australia underage team, the 16-year-old helped WA to a strong finish to the tournament despite missing out on the semifinal stage. South Australia snuck through after tying with WA on the Duckworth Lewis Method in a rain-reduced contest with WA needing two off the final ball but could only manage a single.

Opening the bowling and first change, Clark gained valuable experience and finished the tournament with five wickets as WA recorded two wins in the consolation plate stage.

The teenager said he was now keen for the season to begin with Rockingham-Mandurah as well as juggling school cricket commitments with Guildford Grammar, where he now lives.

“It was a bit of a disappointing carnival performance from the team as we didn’t finish as high as we would have liked, although challenging the top teams we failed to fall across the line,” he said.


“From my perspective I didn’t play as well as what I would have liked but I did play pretty well.”

Clark claimed 2-45 from his 10 overs as WA romped to a four-wicket win over Tasmania before snaring two early scalps in a thrilling one run win over ACT/NSW Country to finish with five wickets for the tournament.

Clark said he would again play for the Mariners with an expected return to the 1st grade side this Saturday for round 2.

The 16-year-old also played football for the WA State under-17s side and made six colts appearances for Claremont in the WAFL competition in 2017.

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