Bridge group builds fast

Tayler NealeAlbany Advertiser

A campaign launched by a group of Denmark residents is hoping its simple message can bring the community together on the controversial Denmark East Development Precinct Project.

The DEDPP is a $14 million project, including $7.6 million of State funding, which involves the construction of a light industrial area east of Denmark.

One component of the project involves building a second bridge across Denmark River.

The Shire of Denmark council has failed to find a suitable crossing point so far, with a five-hour meeting in January leaving councillors undecided.

The Shire was then forced to request a four-month extension on the deadlines associated with the bridge in a bid to retain the Government funding.


The Build a Bridge campaign has so far sold more than 300 bumper stickers and aims to send a clear message, according to spokesman Chris Howden.

“We want a bridge and an industrial area —- we want the council to make a decision,” he said.

“It’s intended as a light-hearted thing; it’s not intended to be aggressive. It has a double meaning — we want to build a bridge with the people who don’t want a bridge and we want an actual bridge too.”

Mr Howden said he was concerned by the four-month extension the Shire had received.

“What they think another four months will do, I’m not sure,” he said.

“The council intends to run that down until the last day.

“We’re not bothered where the bridge goes. It needs to be affordable for Denmark.”

The campaign organisers set up on Saturday at a local supermarket and Mr Howden said they had received a positive response.

The council is expected to decide on a crossing point atthe June or July council meeting.

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