Albany Leisure and Aquatic Centre roof runoff to water ovals

Rainwater from the Albany Leisure and Aquatic Centre’s roof is set to be used to water surrounding ovals in a project expected to save about three million litres of water a year.
The City of Albany received a $62,000 State Government Grant last week for the installation of two 250-kilolitre water tanks and pipe infrastructure at ALAC early next year to capture rainwater from the roof for irrigation of ovals and the centre’s toilet flushing systems.
The City will contribute $32,250 to the project. It is estimated the project will save about $19,000 annually.
Albany was among nine regional local governments to secure first-round funding from the State and Commonwealth funded $3.2 million Community Water Supplies Partnership Program.
The program provides funding of up to $100,000 for regional communities to secure additional non-potable water sources and tackle the impacts of climate change.
“The City is very pleased to receive this grant which will allow ALAC to decrease its use of the town’s limited potable water supply,” City executive director community services Nathan Watson said.
“As an endorsed Water Corporation Gold Waterwise Aquatic Centre, we are always looking for opportunities to be more efficient with our water usage.
“This initiative allows us to take another step in reducing our overall water usage while continuing to be a leader in sustainable water practices.”
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